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MWC24: While 5G Lags, 6G and Quantum Wait in the Wings

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Even while telco operators are scarred by their experience rolling out and paying for 5G在美国,人们的注意力转向了将从2030年开始采用的下一代6G.

Some operators are skeptical. 会议在 Mobile World Congress 致力于5G是否做得足够确保对未来几代蜂窝技术的投资. “It’s a bit too early to talk 6G since we are still struggling with 5G,” said Paolo Murri, VP Business Development at Italian telco TIM. “But we have learned from 5G and we keep learning.”

Despite the slow adoption of 5G and associated ROI, 一些全球最大的电信公司高管表示,6G可能会在2030年推出.

“我们认为,从2030年开始,6G将逐步推出,但大众市场将在此之后一段时间,” said Marie Hogan, Head of 6G Business Area Networks, 爱立信. “We must try to eliminate some complexity. 在5G开始时,我们引入了许多架构选择,但也许我们应该从一个干净的架构开始6G. Maybe we launch with a 6G Standalone, for example.”

That would imply not using any 5G infrastructure, 但运营商希望将他们在5G设备上的巨额投资最大化,因此某种形式的过渡或并行运营似乎是不可避免的.

从网络的角度来看,爱立信认为向6G的转变是一种进化,而不是一次大爆炸. 霍根说:“5G只走了一半,还有6-7年的时间。. “We need to take advantage of that and focus on monetizing 5G first. 在5G中,我们采用了一些非常极端的用例,但在6G中,我们可以更专注.”


“计算机领域的创新速度如此之快,我们不得不谦虚地承认,我们无法预测未来会发生什么,” said Henry Tirri, 首席技术官, Nokia Technologies, though he suggested autonomous driving would be possible with the ultra, ultra low roundtrip in signals from car to cloud and back.

Murri stressed that whatever happens, 6G needs to be customer-centric. “我们需要确保我们想到的任何用例在5G上都是不可行的. 我们多次告诉世界,有些应用只能在5G上完成,但事实证明4G已经足够好了.”

霍根表示,6G扩展应用的能力将是其最大的影响. “AR和VR is today quite localized and indoor. If we can scale up with more data, more efficient use of network offload, then we will have mass market immersive communication. 数字孪生在5G时代使用了大量本地化的数据,但6G将使您能够实时扩展到一个城市的数字孪生或整个网络的大规模数字孪生," she continued. "有了6G,我们将有机会使我们目前的移动宽带在能源性能方面更加高效, 如果你能在没有地面网络的偏远地区做到这一点,你就可以让任何地方的任何人都能负担得起基本的宽带, 任何时候. That is the core direction we are hoping to head in.”


“我们设想一个高度分布式的计算机结构,托管整个网络的端到端,并在云中运行,” said Juan Carlos Garcia Lopez, SVP Technology, 西班牙电话公司. “转向完全云原生软件定义的解决方案意味着将云扩展到边缘. This needs to be solved for 6G.”

IBM在全球移动通信大会上展示了其声称建立了超过550个的最大生态系统,000 “quantum explorers, 采用者, and users to bring quantum computing to the world.该公司还在宣传其在2023年的突破,即127量子位处理器,这是使量子计算机达到“实用规模”的一步,使其成为探索物理和材料新类别问题的科学工具.

Garcia Lopez also pointed to security as a critical issue. “With 6G a new threat is possible when Quantum compute becomes available. We need to be ready to change cryptography." He added that services running over the network will increase 100,000 times “so network traffic will be less deterministic.”

可持续性已被写入6G的设计中,但要让利益相关者同意却很困难, reported Marja Matinmikko-Blue, 芬兰奥卢大学6G旗舰可持续发展与监管主任. “There is consensus that sustainability is important and the Global 6G framework 国际电联去年12月发布的《百家乐软件》将可持续性作为其标准之一,但遭到了很多抵制.”

她指出,能效也是5G标准的一部分,“但没有就目标达成一致”. We need to include targets with 6G. 这是每个人的责任,需要在频谱管理的背景下考虑可持续性的整体思维转变, 社会目标, 和经济学.”

Murri把责任放在更好地教育消费者,让他们了解流媒体视频等数据消耗应用程序的影响. “在提高数据中心和无线接入效率方面,供应方面做了很多工作,但在需求方面(即客户行为方面)做的努力很少,他说. “Whether enterprise or consumers, they are all-you-can-eat models. In Italy, consumers can buy infinite gigabytes for less than ten Euros. This leads to the perception that everything they do is for free. But there is a cost and mainly it is in energy consumption.”

他补充说:“考虑到6G的关键是可持续性,我们需要考虑到意识. 我的孩子们把电视开在4K流媒体上,没有意识到他们在消耗能量.”

西班牙电信(西班牙电话公司)的加西亚·洛佩兹(Garcia Lopez)要求应用程序开发者做更多的工作,使他们的应用程序对网络友好. “We have all got to reduce total power consumption. 6G架构需要将可持续性作为核心,而不是浪费百家乐软件.”

例如, 霍根说:, “我们可以通过关闭部分不使用的电网来提高能源效率.”

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