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先进云解决方案的出现正在重塑广播行业的格局, addressing some of the historical concerns related to cybersecurity and the cost limitations associated with traditional on-prem infrastructures. 向云解决方案的转变保证了广播公司的精简, 灵活的, 更安全的生产工作流程, presenting a strategic opportunity to adapt to the evolving demands of the media and entertainment industry by incorporating solutions that increase scale and operational efficiency.

The demands from today’s audiences for high-quality viewing experiences - including Ultra High Definition (UHD) content - means cloud workflows are now fundamental to the industry’s future. 但是平衡这些不断变化的期望的过程, 同时还要驾驭复杂的媒体生态系统, 需要深思熟虑的方法. There is no one-size-fits-all response to cloud migration - each business’s implementation process is unique. It’s why savvy broadcasters are increasingly turning to strategic partners who understand their specific business needs and can act as trusted consultants to guide them in making timely and informed strategic decisions.


Traditional on-prem solutions have struggled to keep pace with some of the changes in broadcasting needs, 特别是随着新的高级视频格式和编解码器的出现. The growth in demand for UHD content is one of the key trends already reshaping traditional broadcasting, 这凸显了传统本地基础设施的一些局限性. UHD内容制作工作流程的扩展涉及大量硬件升级, 包括更强大的处理单元和更大的存储空间. These hardware upgrades may include installing additional servers and expanding to larger physical spaces.

另一方面, 云解决方案提供了一种经济有效的替代方案, providing seamless scalability for UHD content without the need for physical infrastructure expansion. 通过利用动态百家乐软件分配, 云生产技术可以提供对更高级的工具和工作流的访问, easily scaling up or down according to the fluctuating demands of UHD content and ensuring optimal utilization without placing undue strain on the system.

Broadcasters also face substantial ongoing financial commitments to maintain and upgrade on-prem infrastructures for UHD content workflows. 这需要大量的技术百家乐软件和专门知识, introducing operational complexities that may hinder responsiveness to dynamic broadcasting demands. The cloud’s nimble adaptation to evolving broadcasting demands ensures broadcasters can meet the challenges of UHD head-on - and do so with greater responsiveness and efficiency.

Transitioning to the cloud simplifies the UHD content management process by minimizing hardware dependencies and ensuring a viable, 长期, 通过基于云的软件更新实现灵活的操作. This cost-efficient approach empowers broadcasters to focus on content creativity and innovation by freeing up resources and technical bandwidth, 为内部部署解决方案提供一种精简且经济的替代方案.


Another consideration for broadcasters is the extended setup and processing times of on-prem systems due to the need for physical configuration when implementing new workflows. This causes unacceptable delays in content production and availability and is further compounded by the increased time spent on tasks such as encoding, 代码转换, 内容准备. 总的来说,这意味着在物理系统上执行缓慢、次优的工作流. 然而,云计算显著缩短了内容制作的时间. 利用先进的计算能力, cloud technologies offer broadcasters high-speed processing capabilities and help accelerate these tasks for more efficient and speedy media operations.

Another area where the cloud offers significant benefits is as a response to spikes in demand or where fast-moving events require productions to adapt to workflows or scale up at short notice. The cloud’s elastic resources enable broadcasters to dynamically adapt based on content volume, 输出分辨率, 或者其他因素. 此外, this 灵活性 extends to the production teams by enabling seamless remote collaboration that transcends geographical limitations and taps into global talent pools to foster an environment of enhanced productivity. 此外, cloud technology can help streamline repetitive tasks such as automated metadata tagging and indexing, resulting in an effective media storage solution and valuable time saved for content creators that allows them to focus on the creative aspects of their work.

英国独立电视台, 著名的英国广播公司, 认识到实现基于云的存档以提高性能的好处, 灵活性, 和弹性. 2020年中期,对云生产技术的迫切需求变得迫切, 与全球大流行病开始时的远程工作任务相吻合. 英国独立电视台 required a solution compatible with existing systems for remote editing while ensuring business continuity and facilitating remote operations. The comprehensive cloud production workflow technology solutions 英国独立电视台 deployed replicated content recorded on-premises and was brought into the cloud with minimal disruption. 结果是, 英国独立电视台团队在12个月内成功地将其庞大的磁带库迁移到云端.

If organizations are to embrace cloud solutions and realize the potential of a more efficient and scalable ecosystem, 他们的业务, 具体工作流程, 必须从根本上改变. 这种转变无疑将催生新的商业模式试验, 更身临其境的观看体验, 以及行业参与者之间的进一步整合. 为了利用这一点, 媒体组织必须与其供应商进行公开讨论, ensuring they work with partners prepared to innovate to solve their unique ecosystem challenges. Part of this process hinges on clearly communicating a well-defined cloud strategy and then taking the leap to implement it. 最终, 多亏了云媒体技术, broadcasters can work closely with their customers to create and deliver solutions designed to meet their short-, 中期, 以及长期需求和期望.

[编者注:这是来自 Telestream. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


With the sharp rise in cloud migration and the increasing unwillingness of viewers to tolerate video streaming quality issues, Joel Daly of Telestream outlines the top three reasons why quality monitoring is critical for cloud-native OTT streaming.


在今天以视频流为中心的世界里, cloud OTT monitoring solutions are vital to staying competitive and meeting the demand for high-quality video content on every screen.


COVID-19大流行给该行业带来的所有其他变化中, 它加速了广播公司向云的转移. 这种转变只会继续下去.