Sponsors & Exhibitors

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Premiere Sponsor

JWP (JWPlayer)

JWP是一个视频平台解决方案,旨在让企业管理, scale, 并将他们的数字视频战略货币化. From ingest to delivery, JWP’s capabilities range from an all-in-one platform for video management to an end-to-end solution allowing owners to reduce the total cost of ownership while increasing  monetization opportunities.

Diamond Sponsors


Fuse Media是一家少数族裔拥有的媒体公司,致力于庆祝和增强多元文化的声音. 该公司广泛的投资组合包括 一系列聚焦不同主题的FAST频道,以及融合媒体文化集团(Fuse Media Culture Collective) 合作伙伴拥有的FAST频道增加了公司接触多元文化受众的规模.

Paramount Advertising

凭借派拉蒙强大的标志性品牌组合, 优质的内容和创造性创新的遗产, Paramount Advertising develops strategic and collaborative solutions that connect our partners to our diverse, passionate fan base. 我们在高级广告方面的领导地位, 创意营销专业知识, audience insights and scale across all platforms paired with our capabilities in performance marketing and shoppability allow us to provide reach, 归因和交易简单性, 同时在派拉蒙投资组合的深度和广度上优化广告商的受众.

Spectrum Reach
Spectrum Reach®,Charter Communications, Inc .的广告销售业务. (NASDAQ:CHTR),为本地、区域和全国客户提供定制广告解决方案. 在36个州和91个市场开展业务, Spectrum Reach creates scalable advertising and marketing services driven by aggregated and de-identified data insights and award-winning creative services. Spectrum Reach帮助各种规模的企业接触任何人,任何地方,任何屏幕. 有关Spectrum Reach的更多信息可在以下网址找到 http://www.spectrumreach.com.

Platinum Sponsor

DirecTV Advertising

DIRECTV广告是融合可寻址空间的先驱, 提供行业领先的受众基础, digital, 创新的媒体解决方案. 运用我们几十年的经验, we empower advertisers to address and engage their audience at scale while continuously measuring campaign impact against brand goals to unlock insights and optimize future campaigns. 

Gold Sponsors

Adeia is a leading R&D and intellectual property (IP) licensing company that accelerates the adoption of innovative technologies in the media and semiconductor industries.
Adeia’s fundamental innovations underpin technology solutions that are shaping and elevating the future of digital entertainment and electronics.  Adeia’s IP portfolios power the connected devices that touch the lives of millions of people around the world every day as they live, work and place.

Bedrock是一家媒体技术企业,由M6和RTL集团(贝塔斯曼的一部分)合资成立。. 该公司是欧洲领先娱乐公司值得信赖的战略合作伙伴, 运营完整的流媒体服务,为观众提供最先进的体验. 在10个国家拥有15年以上的流媒体专业知识和400名熟练的专业人员, Bedrock已成为欧洲首屈一指的战略流媒体平台.


MediaKind处于广播和流媒体创新视频技术的最前沿, empowering over 2,000家全球服务提供商, 内容所有者和广播公司解决视频传输行业最紧迫的挑战. 拥有超过30年的优质广播和活动经验, 我们致力于改变当今数字观众传递和消费内容的方式. MediaKind通过我们的尖端解决方案突破了数字视频的界限, 为观众提供无与伦比的观看体验, on-demand, and OTT platforms. 无论是在本地还是在云中, 我们的技术使客户在视频传输中获得无与伦比的质量和效率. 让我们向您展示MediaKind革命性的视频技术解决方案.

Norigin Media
Norigin Media是一家手机公司 & CTV应用解决方案提供商. 我们专注于设计工程开发 & 欧洲和美洲的QA工具和百家乐软件. 
The Scandinavian Company creates D2C Streaming TV Apps (Bespoke or White-label) with robust architectures for broadcasters & media companies. Norigin Media Customers served include major Nordic broadcasters operators and international companies like Deutsche Telekom Orange Group Telenor BBC MTV Eurosport Vevo IAS and a range of media companies across Europe and the American continents.

我们受到服务提供商和内容所有者的信任,可以提供、丰富和保护优质视频. The flexibility and agility of our cloud products and SaaS solutions enable customers of all types and sizes to launch, monetise, 并快速扩展视频流媒体服务. 我们屡获殊荣的视频网络产品组合具有实现高质量流媒体的解决方案, including sports, across all platforms. 它包括强大的视频处理 tools or capabilities 以及分发技术,包括CDN.

TMT Insights

TMT洞察是一项专业的服务 & software development company delivering leading capabilities in digital supply chain including media content management, cloud technology, 以及财富500强企业的SaaS / D2C经验. 结合媒体领域内无与伦比的经验和专业技能 & entertainment, digital & cloud technology space, 我们的团队提供行业领先的服务,如战略和CXO咨询, product ideation & 创新,云转型,流程再造和开发我们的合作伙伴.

作为新技术的早期采用者, we embrace the power of collaboration and work with our partners to combine our guidance with action to further drive efficiency, value, 并扩展到他们的社区.


Zixi provides the cloud based and on-premises Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP®) that enables reliable broadcast-quality video delivery over any IP network, any protocol, any cloud provider, and any edge device. 该公司为广播公司提供技术, enterprises, 顶级视频提供商, sports leagues, service providers, 世界各地的有线电视运营商和电信公司, 这使他们成为行业中TCO最低的公司. 拥有15年以上的创新和专业知识, the Zixi Enabled Network has grown to over 1000+ media customers and 400+ OEM and service providers that deliver 20,000+ channels daily, with 110,在120多个国家部署了超过000个实例, 每天收集超过90亿个数据点,同时提供超过1,000,每年有5000场体育赛事现场直播. 

Silver Sponsors


Broadpeak empowers video service providers so they can stream the content people love with a compelling experience.

在Broadpeak,我们设计和制造 视频传送组件 内容提供商和网络服务提供商部署IPTV,有线电视,OTT & satellite services. 我们的解决方案和技术组合为电影的交付提供了动力, television programming and other content over managed networks and the internet for viewing on any type of device. Our systems and services help operators increase market share and improve subscriber loyalty with superior quality of experience (QoE). 我们的软件解决方案可以部署在本地, 作为云中的SaaS提供, 或者作为一种混合解决方案,允许视频服务和内容提供商提供卓越的QoE, boost monetization (ad insertion), and reduce costs.


Fastly, Inc.

Fastly’s powerful and programmable edge cloud platform helps the world’s top brands deliver the fastest online experiences possible, 在提高网站性能的同时, enhancing security, 在全球范围内推动创新. 拥有世界一流的支持,达到95%以上的平均年度客户满意度评级, Fastly钟爱的边缘计算套件, delivery, security and observability offerings has been recognized as a leader by industry analysts such as IDC and Gartner. 与传统提供商相比, Fastly强大而现代的网络架构是世界上最快的网络架构之一, empowering developers to deliver secure websites and apps at global scale with rapid time-to-market and industry-leading cost savings. Thousands of the world’s most prominent organizations trust Fastly to help them upgrade the internet experience, including Reddit, Pinterest, Stripe, Neiman Marcus, The New York Times, Epic Games, and GitHub. 了解更多关于fast at www.fastly.com and follow us @fastly.

TAG Video Systems

Supporting Sponsors


HUSSLUP is an invite-only network that connects creative professionals with each other and with the studios and production companies that need to hire them. Over 已有1万名专业人士加入 and they work with 50多家工作室和制作公司 为开放角色寻找优秀人才. 科技博客TechCrunch称HUSSLUP为“娱乐界的领英”."跳过等候名单,今天就加入 HUSSLUP.com 使用独家邀请码- 396368.


Based in Sweden, Vindral专注于实时CDN解决方案, 专注于同步和低延迟视频流,同时保持高质量. 他们的产品支持亚秒级延迟和最小的播放漂移, 兼容包括iOS Safari在内的一系列设备, desktop browsers, and Smart TVs. Vindral's technology facilitates 4K streaming at low latencies and incorporates AV1 for effective video compression. 他们提供白标和OEM选项,以满足不同的基础设施需求, 确保客户品牌一致性. Vindral的服务针对不同的行业, including gaming, OTT, sports, 博彩与公共安全. 有关其直播解决方案的详细信息,请访问 www.vindral.com.

Association Partners

CDN Alliance

CDN行业负责当今大部分的互联网流量, 触及每个人的数字生活, 这是一个价值数十亿美元的产业. CDN联盟是CDN行业的全球非营利性行业协会. The CDN Alliance wants to further enhance the industry by connecting organizations and people within the CDN Industry, 通过发起和促进活动, giving better insights, 作为CDN行业的代言人和代言人.


The 流媒体视频技术联盟(SVTA) is a global technical association addressing critical challenges in streaming video. 通过教育行业的技术性质的问题, 为跨视频生态系统的协作提供一个中立的论坛, 发布定义技术解决方案的文档, SVTA正在帮助大规模改善流媒体视频体验. 包括网络运营商在内的100多家公司, content rights holders, OTT platforms, service providers, 技术供应商——代表着全球流媒体领域的一些大牌公司——是该联盟的成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 svta.org.

Women in Streaming Media

女性流媒体是一个全球性的网络组织. Our mission is to increase diversity and give more visibility to women leaders within the streaming media industry. 我们创建论坛和活动来联系女性, 提供师徒教育项目, grow women leaders’ participation in industry events and promote other opportunities to help women achieve their professional goals.

Media Sponsors

Fabric Media

StreamingMedia.Com是专业人士寻求百家乐软件的首选在线目的地, information, articles, directories and services. 该网站拥有数千篇原创文章, 数百小时的音频/视频内容, breaking news, research reports, industry directory, 以及展示最新现实世界流媒体实现的案例研究. Streaming Media Xtra在美国,每周电子通讯被业内人士视为“必读”. 

Streaming Media Magazine

Streaming Media 杂志是投资企业的机构可信赖的百家乐软件, news/entertainment, 以及流媒体和其他数字媒体的教育应用. 在线音频和视频现在是商业和消费者内容的首选交付方式, and Streaming Media 杂志涵盖了实现这一目标的过程、产品和服务. Sign up for your free subscription today.


Streaming Media Magazine - 欧洲在线视频市场的最佳新闻和分析来源
在当今嘈杂的市场中,流媒体是你的后盾. 作为流媒体专业人士的全球头号在线目的地, 我们一直在播报新闻, analysis, 对在线视频行业的研究和百家乐软件超过20年, and have built a range of assets to help streaming pros and solutions providers understand what’s happening now and next in the global streaming space. 选择从印刷杂志,电子新闻,网络研讨会,现场活动,和更多. 从今天开始免费订阅流媒体的欧洲杂志: www.streamingmediaglobal.com/Subscribe

Streaming Media Producer

StreamingMedia Producer is the premier online destination for professional online video producers seeking expert insight on the capturing, editing, 为商业提供现场和点播在线视频, corporate, educational, and event applications.

该网站以视频和文字教程为特色,介绍尖端的制作和后期制作技术, 在现场审查必要的专业生产齿轮, and case studies on real-world professional online video projects showcasing innovative and effective production workflows. 今天就订阅时事通讯.


For over 30 years 《百家乐app下载》杂志 has focused on helping houses of worship navigate the tricky world of AVL and production, 提供教育文章, product reviews, 产品及行业资讯, 为敬拜志愿者提供培训机会, technical directors, worship leaders, pastors, 以及其他对敬拜有热情的人. www.tfwm.com


TVREV是业内领先的分析公司, 专注于流媒体和广告的交集. 我们各色各样的分析师, journalists, and media executives are renowned for their ability to explain complex concepts in plain English without dumbing things down. 我们研究今天的关键问题,以帮助您和您的组织为明天做好准备. And our newsletter,每周出版五期,是免费的.